Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Onion Bhaji Recipe

Onion Bhaji Recipe

See chefs latest oven baked onion bhaji recipe using chickpea flour.

Here is Chefs - How to make the perfect onion bhaji recipe ... and do not just take my word for it...why not read this independent >
onion bhaji review

Not only are Chefs onion bhaji's healthy, cooked in the oven and eggless, but they are the most DELICIOUS ONION BHAJI'S EVER guaranteed!

Chef cooks this onion bhaji recipe almost daily because the taste is that good.

Chef likes to be modest but I have to tell you that these are the best onion bhaji's you will ever taste.

The spice measurements are perfect in quantity and blend into such an aromatic flavour. Half way through cooking Chef drizzles some oil on the onion bhaji's and this really gives them a deep fried flavour.

If you cook these onion bhaji's for friends they would certainly believe that they have been deep fried, yet they are cooked with healthy oil and baked in the oven.

Chefs secret ingredient for this onion bhaji recipe is using buckwheat flour as the taste is absolutely amazing, if you can only find chickpea flour try Chefs other onion bhaji recipe which uses gram flour.

If you give Chef Jeenas Onion Bhaji Recipe a go... I guarantee you will be delighted by the wonderful taste.


5 Small Onions
5 Tbsp Buckwheat Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Coriander
Olive Oil
1 Large tsp Tomato Puree
1 and 1/4 Shot Glass Measure Water (a small egg cup can be used to measure)

Spices for the Pan..
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1/2 tsp Ground Coriander
1/4 tsp Cumin Powder
1/4 tsp Ginger Powder
1/4 Chilli Powder

How to make perfect onion bhaji recipe

Cut the onions in half then cut into slices, not too thick nor too thin.

Drizzle a little oil into a large pan/wok and gently cook the onions until they start turning soft and translucent in colour, do not brown them or over cook them.

This should take no longer than 10 minutes, keep stiring the onions so they do not over cook.

When the onions are ready sprinkle in the chilli powder and mix well.

Straight after add the turmeric, cumin, ginger and coriander, stir well again then switch off the heat.

In a bowl place buckwheat flour, salt, coriander and cumin, mix together well.

Now place the onions into the bowl and mix well again.

Once the flour mixture has coated all of the onions place the tomato puree into a shot glass/small egg cup and fill with water.

Mix the tomato puree with the water then pour this into the onion mixture.

Fill the shot glass/small egg cup just one quarter full with water and add to the onion bhaji mixture, stir very well

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